See also:
If you are a customer of Inspire Net Limited "Inspire" consuming our standard Residential, Business or
Rural services then these standard terms and conditions apply to the use of those services. Additional terms may
apply to some of our services. We will tell you when additional terms apply. Sometimes we may make special
offers which are subject to other terms. If you accept one of those special offers, then the terms and
conditions of that offer will also apply. By accepting provision of our services you acknowledge you have agreed
to these standard terms and conditions.
1. About our Services
We are not obliged to provide services unless we accept your service application. We have the right to
decide to provide service, or not to accept any application for service.
Inspire will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the services are reliable and available at all times,
and will use skill and care in doing so. However, because we rely on networks and equipment which we do not
control, we cannot promise that our services will always be available or fully-functioning. If our services
are unavailable for any reason we will endeavour to restore service as soon as possible. If there is a
problem with your service, please call our support centre on 0800 484 363.
While we take all reasonable security precautions, the nature of telecommunications services mean that we
cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any calls or transmissions you make using our services.
We will be responsible for determining the manner in which the services are to be provided.
We may vary the service(s) from time to time, or decide to stop providing a particular service. We will
notify you prior to making the variation and will tell you about any substitute service we have available.
Where the substitute service is inferior to the provided service, the Customer may terminate the Agreement
through one month written notice with no penalty.
2. Using our Services
You must not use or permit our services to be used in any way which:
Breaks any law.
Infringes anyone's rights.
Is malicious, obscene or offensive.
Damages either the Inspire network or that of any other operator.
You must keep confidential any password or PIN number which is used by you to access our services and we
recommend, for security reasons, that you change these on a regular basis. If we request, you must change
your password or PIN in a timely manner.
You must comply with any reasonable restrictions we impose or directions we give regarding the use of our
You must ensure that all information you provide us is correct. If any information you have supplied to us
changes, you must provide us with updated information as soon as possible.
You must notify us if you wish to terminate your Agreement or service(s).
You must not resell the service(s) to others without the express written permission of an authorised Inspire
You must immediately report any misuse of your services or disclosure of your account information.
If you use an Inspire Voice over IP or Baseband service, you are aware that your phone line will not work
without power. If you require your phone line to work at all times we would recommend you install an
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). In the case of UFB services the ONT supplied by the fibre provider must
also be protected by the UPS.
3. Use of Information and Confidentiality
You authorise us to collect, retain and use any information about you and/or the property which is the
subject of the service(s) for the purposes of providing service(s) in the terms of this Agreement. Inspire
may also use the information we collect about you to obtain information about you from Credit Reporting
Agencies for the purpose of credit checking where this may be required to provide services to you. You agree
to us disclosing information about you to Credit Reporting Agencies for collection purposes.
You may decide whether to provide us any information. If you do not provide required information, we may not
be able to provide the services to you.
Where you are a natural person, the authority under clause 3.1 is an authority or consent for the purposes
of the Privacy Act 2020.
We may record or monitor calls between us to verify information and for staff training purposes.
You are entirely responsible for the confidentiality of any password(s) associated with your account(s).
Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities which occur under your account.
You agree that all intellectual property rights in the service(s) and any improvements or changes made by
Inspire to any service(s) belong to Inspire.
4. Charges and Payment
You must pay our charges for the services we provide to you, regardless of whether you or someone else uses
those services.
We will invoice you monthly for services we provide. Fixed charges are payable in advance. Usage-based
charges (such as toll calls and excess broadband data) are payable in arrears.
Any monthly usage rights that remain unused at the end of any given month may not be carried over to later
months or have any monetary value or credit ascribed to them.
You must pay each invoice by the due date advised on the invoice. You may not withhold money you believe you
do not owe us nor offset sums that we owe you, unless you have advised us of an amount that is in dispute,
and the reason it is in dispute, by email, our website complaints process, or in writing.
If you do not pay a bill by the due date, we may suspend or restrict services until all due payments are
made, or may terminate the services.
Network charges will still apply during the period of any suspension.
We may, at our discretion, impose a credit limit on your account.
If you breach any term of this agreement and we incur costs as a result, you must pay those costs on demand.
Any expenses, disbursements and legal costs incurred by us in the enforcement of any rights contained in
this Agreement shall be paid by the Customer, including any reasonable legal fees or debt collection agency
We will use your selected method of payment when invoices are due.
Any requests for refunds will be reviewed by our team, and issued at our discretion. If your refund request
is accepted, it will be processed within 30 days and refunded via your bank account. If your
request for a refund is declined, we will advise you in writing of our decision, including the reason for
your refund request being declined, within 10 working days. In considering your request we will act
reasonably, taking into account all factors which you have brought to our attention in writing and which we
consider are material and relevant on an objective basis, and any other factors we consider relevant.
5. Internet Services
This section applies if we provide Internet access service to you.
You must not knowingly transmit any worms or viruses or use our service in a manner which is likely to
damage or compromise the security of either the network of Inspire or that of any other party.
You must use our service in a reasonable and responsible manner and in accordance with established
We do not control the information that can be accessed through the Internet. Accordingly, we are not
responsible for any inaccurate, illegal or offensive information which may be obtained from your use of our
services. We are also not liable for any viruses or other harmful code which you download via the Internet.
If you use our virus filter then you acknowledge that the service works by endeavouring to prevent our mail
servers from forwarding contaminated emails to the recipient. However, we cannot guarantee that the service
will prevent all viruses from being forwarded.
Any static IP addresses provided for use by the Customer under this Agreement remain the property of
Plan speeds refer to the maximum speed your service is capable of - actual speed depends on a variety of
6. Moving Address
If you move address within your contract period to an area where the same or better service (ADSL, VDSL,
UFB) is available from Inspire and selected by you, then no additional move charges apply. Installation
charges may apply if there is no existing services at the new address.
If you move address outside your contract period to an area where the same or better service (ADSL, VDSL,
UFB) is available, then no additional move charges apply. Installation charges may apply if there is no
existing services at the new address.
If you move address while using our MetroLAN Fibre or Wireless services, onto ADSL, VDSL, UFB, MetroLAN
Wireless or fibre, no additional move charges will apply. Installation charges may apply if there is no
existing services at the new address.
If you move address within your contract period to an address that we are unable to provide services to,
then the relevant Early Termination Fee will apply.
Other costs may apply, for example if the existing service at your new address is faulty, or we need to get
a technician involved.
7. Changing Plans
If you wish to upgrade your Traffic allowance, this can be done at the end of the current billing cycle with
no additional charge, or mid billing cycle by paying the difference in charge between your current plan, and
the new plan.
If you wish to downgrade your Traffic allowance, this can be done at the end of the current billing cycle
with no additional charge.
If you wish to change your access type with Inspire (for example from ADSL to UFB), you may enter in to a
new term contract with us for the new service and we will waive any Early Termination Fee on your current
8. UFB Fibre Services
This section applies if we provide Internet access over Fibre (UFB) to you.
You consent to Inspire sharing information about you with the Local Fibre Provider (LFC) – Chorus,
Enable, Northpower, UltraFast, to the extent necessary for the provision of the Inspire Fibre Services to
you. No right or benefit is conferred on you by the LFC.
In accepting the Inspire Fibre Services, you agree to be bound by the LFC (End User) Terms as set out on the
LFC's website from time to time.
You hereby consent to allow Inspire and its contractors to access your premises in order to construct,
install, inspect, maintain or replace any equipment installed at your premises for the provision of the
Inspire Fibre Service and you will ensure that Inspire and its contractors have safe access to your premises
for these purposes.
You warrant that you own the premises where the Inspire Fibre Services will be installed and will be liable
for any loss suffered by Inspire if you do not own such premises. If you are not the owner of the premises,
you must obtain the owner's consent for the Inspire Fibre Service to be installed. You agree that the
installation of the Inspire Fibre Service at your premises is on the basis of the request that you have made
to us and that we have relied upon your authority to make this request.
You are liable for all installation costs in relation to the Inspire UFB Services at your premises.
Installation costs will be set out on your first Inspire Fibre Services invoice. If Fibre Services have
already been installed at your premises, you may be liable for set up charges for connection of Inspire
Fibre Services to premises.
Installation of Inspire Fibre Services at your premises may require trench excavation. Restoration by
Inspire or its contractors of such excavation will be limited to grass restoration only. You will be
responsible for any further restoration and the costs associated with such further restoration. This means
that the cost of restoration of any paved, concreted, cobbled areas etc. will need to be met by you.
You must be present at your premises during the installation of your Inspire Fibre Service. Installation
will take place during the week i.e. Monday – Friday only.
Availability of Service
The Inspire Fibre Service is only available in locations which are sites enabled by your LFC, and where
Inspire have the required Handover connections in place to the LFC. You acknowledge that you may not be able
to receive the Inspire UFB Services at your location.
Monitored and other services
If you rely on a Medic Alert or other similar monitored device, or a monitored alarm system and your
provider for these services cannot guarantee their compatibility with a fibre-based service, you should not
sign up for a Inspire Fibre Service. Inspire will not be liable to you in relation to the foregoing.
Existing service providers and copper wiring
If you are with another service provider and you wish to have your phone number ported to Inspire Fibre
Services you must not cancel the services your existing service provider prior to your connection to Inspire
Fibre Services. If you do this, Inspire cannot guarantee that your number will be available on the Inspire
Fibre Service.
Once your Inspire Fibre Services are connected, it is your responsibility to contract your previous service
provider(s) to ensure that your previous services are cancelled and to avoid being billed for such services.
The copper wiring to your premises may be removed upon completion of the installation of your Inspire Fibre
Services and cannot be reinstalled. If the copper wiring is removed ONLY fibre services will be available at
your premises.
You agree that you will not damage or tamper with any Inspire and/or LFC devices provided at your premises
for the delivery of the Inspire Fibre Services and you will follow Inspire's instructions in relation to
all such devices.
All equipment provided by the LFC in order to use the Inspire Fibre Service will remain the property of the
9. Phone Numbers
This section applies if we provide telephone services to you.
The phone numbers that you are assigned remain the property of Inspire and does not become the property of
the customer.
We may need to change your phone number from time to time, if so, we will give as much notice as possible.
We will not be liable for any costs which you or anyone else may incur as a result of such a change.
You will advise Inspire if you wish your phone number(s) to appear in the White Pages directory. If you do
not instruct us to publish your phone number in the directory, it will not appear.
You agree that no member of the Telecom or Spark group of companies (or their officers, employees,
contractors or agents) has any liability to you in connection with the directory assistance service or your
phone book listing.
10. Supply of Equipment
This section applies if we provide equipment to you in connection with the provision of services.
We will ensure that the equipment provided will be of a suitable quality and will be fit for the purpose for
which it is provided and will determine the specific make and model of the equipment.
Where we dispatch equipment to you, a delivery charge may apply.
You acknowledge we have supplied to you any equipment specified in your application form.
You agree to look after the Inspire equipment and use all reasonable means to prevent it from harm.
If we supply you with equipment and you terminate your connection with us, charges will apply if our
equipment is not returned in good working condition.
If we supply equipment to you and, for any reason, we cannot supply service, equipment must be returned to
us in its original condition, including packaging and all accessories. If it is not returned in original
condition, this may affect any refunds due, or incur a restocking fee.
11. Consumer Guarantees Act
You may have the benefit of statutory guarantees under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. If you are in trade
and you are acquiring the services and/or equipment in trade then you agree that the provisions of the
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 do not apply.
12. Liability
Subject to the section "Consumer Guarantees Act" and clauses 5 and 6 below, and except as
expressly set out in these terms, Inspire excludes any liability of any kind (whether in contract, tort
(including negligence), equity or otherwise) to you or anyone claiming through you, relating to loss of
profits or revenue, interception of data or unauthorised access to your information, loss or corruption of
data, lost business or missed opportunities, wasted expenditure or savings you may have had, or any form of
indirect or consequential loss whatsoever arising from your use of the equipment or services.
Subject to the section "Consumer Guarantees Act" and clauses 5 and 6 below, we exclude all of our
liability to you in connection with us providing services to you or failing to provide services to you.
Without limiting this, we are not liable to you (and nor are any of our officers, employees, contractors or
agents liable to you) in the following circumstances:
If any of our services are not available at any time or are faulty.
For any delay in commencing the provision of services.
If any software or equipment we supply does not operate correctly.
For any error in any directory listing which we arrange.
If your computer, or computers, become affected by any virus or worm.
We are not liable to you for any fault in or non-provision of services caused by an event beyond our
reasonable control.
If you use another service provider's services during the period when our service is not fully
operational, we are not liable to pay any amount you are charged by that service provider. You acknowledge
that no third party whose network or services we use to supply services to you (nor any officer, employee,
contractor or agent of such third party) is in any way liable to you in connection with our services.
If we are held to be liable to you for any reason, then our liability to you is limited to an amount equal
to our average charges to you for one month in respect of any single event or related series of events and
to a maximum amount equal to our average charges to you for a three month period in any one year.
For the avoidance of doubt clauses 1, 2, 4, and 5, above, set limits and exclusions on our liability for
failing to meet our obligation to provide equipment and/or services to you in accordance with our contract
and these terms and conditions but does not relieve us of any obligations imposed on us under any consumer
laws, including the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and Fair Trading Act 1986 (as applicable). Clause 3 above
does relieve us of that obligation in the circumstances specified. If you consider that we have failed to
fulfil our obligations then you can request a refund (see the section "Charges and Payment" which
will apply to such a request).
13. Cancellation
Inspire Retail services are offered with open term and 12 month term options. Different early termination
charges apply depending on which term option you select.
Open Term Contracts - No early termination charges apply for services where Open Term was selected
as the contract term. You can terminate an Open Term service at the end of any billing period by
advising us either in writing ([email protected])
or by calling us on 0800 484 363.
12 Month Contracts - If you have selected 12 month term as the contract term, and you cancel within
this period (as calculated from the date the billing commenced) then you will be required to pay an
early termination fee of $99.
The early termination charges reflects installation fees, setup fees, and equipment (such as for example a
modem) typically supplied as part of a service package is usually supplied on a cross subsidised basis where
the cost of the equipment is recouped through the charges applicable over the term of the contract (or
through early termination charges if the contract is terminated early).
You can terminate your service by advising us either in writing
([email protected])
or by calling us on 0800 484 363. We may require you to confirm in writing any advice you give us by phone.
We can terminate the provision of any service to you with 30 days written notice if a third party service
provider or carrier does anything that prevents us from supplying that service to you on a commercially
viable basis.
We can terminate this agreement, or the provision of any service to you immediately if you breach any term
of this agreement or if we reasonably believe that you have supplied incorrect or misleading information to
us or you fail to meet our credit criteria. We will make best endeavour to give you five days notice prior
to terminating the agreement.
If this agreement is terminated for any reason you must still pay us for services provided to you up to the
date of termination. If you have prepaid for a service, no refund is payable to you on termination unless we
agree otherwise.
14. Warranties
No representation, condition, warranty or promise expressed or implied by law or otherwise applies to
services except where expressly stated in this agreement.
Inspire will pass on to the customer the benefit of any warranty given by its suppliers or a third party
such as the manufacturer where the goods are manufactured or supplied by a third party other than Inspire.
15. New Zealand Law Applies
Our services are provided under New Zealand Law. If you want to bring a claim against us you must do so in a
New Zealand Court.
16. Disputes
If you have a dispute with Inspire in relation to any of our services or your account, please contact our
customer services team on 0800 484 363, or use our complaints procedure available in the support section of our
17. Force Majeure
Neither party is liable to the other for failing to meet their obligations under this agreement except as
specified in clause (next clause) to the extent that the failure was caused by an Act of God or other
circumstance beyond its reasonable control. However, where a party has been unable to perform its
obligations for a period of 60 days or more, the other party may give notice in writing to the first party.
Nothing in clause 1 (the above clause) shall excuse the Customer from any obligation to make payments of
sums owing to Inspire while those sums are due and owing to Inspire under this agreement.
18. Changing Terms and Conditions
We may change these terms at any time by giving you 30 days' notice. We will inform you of any change by
emailing or writing to you, by putting a notice in major daily newspapers or by providing relevant
information on our website.
If you are on a 12 month term and you consider that the change to these terms is materially detrimental to
you on an objective basis, you may request us to advise whether we will waive or reduce early termination
charges if you terminate early because of the changes to these terms. You can make this request by writing
to [email protected].
We will consider your request and advise you whether we will waive or reduce early termination charges and
the amount of any reduced early termination charge. Any waiver or reduction will only apply if you terminate
your service within one month of our advice to you.
When considering your request we will take into account whether the change to these terms is materially
detrimental on an objective basis and whether the change is a result of a legitimate need to accommodate
market developments.
19. Notice
If you wish to notify us of anything you can do so by writing to us at PO Box 4387, Palmerston North, or by
calling us on 0800 484 363. We may require you to confirm in writing any advice you give us by phone.
If we wish to communicate with you or notify you of anything we can do so by post, phone, facsimile, or
email to the last known address or number we have for you.
Any notice delivered personally or sent by facsimile or email after 5.00pm on a working day or any day that
is not a working day will be deemed to have been received on the next working day.
If your contact details change you must advise us of the new details as soon as possible.
20. Entire Agreement, Variation and Non-Waiver
This agreement contains all of the terms, representations and warranties made between Inspire and the
Customer and supersedes all prior discussions and agreements covering the subject matter of this agreement.
No variation or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be recognised or binding on Inspire unless
it is in writing and signed by an authorised representative of Inspire.
Failure or delay by Inspire to enforce any of the terms and conditions contained within this agreement shall
not be deemed to be a waiver of any of the rights or obligations Inspire has under this agreement.
If any provision of this agreement shall be invalid, void, illegal, or unenforceable the validity existence,
legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired.
The customer shall not assign all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the
written consent of Inspire. Inspire reserves the right to transfer our rights and obligations under this
Agreement to anyone else. We will notify you if we do so. The transfer of our obligations under this
agreement to anyone does not relieve us of our liability to you but our obligations may be fulfilled for us
by any person to whom we have transferred our rights and obligations.
21. Mail
You are responsible for ensuring that your mailbox does not exceed 2Gb.
Mail stored on our servers is at your risk.
All mail in your Deleted items will be removed within 7 days.
A warning email will be sent when you reach 80%.
Failure to keep within this limit may lead to your mail account being suspended.
You are responsible for downloading to your computer any email that you wish to keep. We may, without notice to you, remove any email that remains on our servers for more than 90 days.
Updated 2020-11-13, valid from 2020-12-01